When I first became a teacher, I remember begging the universe: please, for the love of goats, don't give me a student like me. I was THE worst student EVER. I couldn't sit still in class, pay attention, or shut up. Part of the blame goes to my speech therapist, who taught me primal life skills—like saying "hamburger" instead of "hamamamburger"—at the raw age of four. I've been talking pretty much non-stop ever since.
Confessions of a Hyper Student Turned Teacher
I guess you could say I was a very active participant in the classroom. One time (that's secret code for every day) in class, I was so hyper that I threw myself at the wall and hit my head on a protruding nail. I remember my teacher having to write a new box to tick off on the nurse report because there was no option for wall running. Honestly, it could be an Olympic sport. The thrust requires an athlete's body to nail it (pun intended).
So, you can imagine the horror my former teachers must have felt when they heard I’d become a teacher. Or maybe they begged for retribution. In the end, I did get some mini-mes in the classroom and… well, they turned out to be my favorite students. This was a crew I could identify with—they were my people. I discovered that as a teacher, I also could not sit still.

Breaking Free from the Traditional Classroom
The reality is that the traditional classroom setting is not made for everyone. It doesn’t work for every student, and it doesn’t work for every teacher either. So, in January 2015, I decided to activate my master plan (drum roll please)… which was no plan at all. It’s the age-old tale: I knew what I didn’t want but had zero clue of what I actually did want. But I like to take leaps in life, and not just into walls, so I took the plunge.

How Comedy Became My Classroom Superpower
That deep dive landed me in comedy, and the rest, as they say, is history—which I do intend to share in upcoming blogs, but let’s start here. I began performing comedy because I felt a need for change in education—a need to reach students like myself who do not absorb information in the traditional way. I wanted to move people. I wanted to move myself. I’ve always believed that if I’m not having fun, neither are the students.
So, I started creating motivational comedy and performing in schools around Spain. The first show was about a box. It was called… The Box (I felt the title Box was too simple, so I added The for complexity), and I’m going to tell you all about it in the next blog.

The Box: The First Comedy Show and the Start of Something New
Signing off on this one and sending it over to Alina, our comrade in comedy crime, who will then “fix” the grammar that doesn’t need fixing. Please don’t be hard on her; she’s not a native speaker ;)